The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA, and the Zink group in particular, has access to a number of state-of-the-art facilities. These facilities are useful in characterizing materials, performing spectroscopy, and evaluating the performance of molecular machines. These instruments, and many others, are available for students to use during research, and are located within the Zink group labs, in the Molecular Sciences building, Young Hall, Boelter Hall, and the California NanoSystems Institute.
•Laser labs (lasers, detectors, etc.), located in Molecular Sciences and in CNSI lab space
•Raman spectroscopy
•Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
•UV-vis instruments
The UCLA Molecular Instrumentation Center (MIC) is a campus-wide, state-of-the-art core facility that enables the use of modern instrumentation in molecular characterizations. The purpose of the MIC is to meet the needs of the UCLA scientific community by providing all aspects of technical support in the application of modern instrumentation to solve problems in cutting-edge scientific research. The UCLA Molecular Instrumentation Center (MIC), managed through the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, encompasses five major areas: Magnetic Resonance, Mass Spectrometry, X-ray Diffraction, Materials Characterization, and Proteomics and Biochemistry Instrumentation.
The MIC provides access to multiple instrumentation facilities, including:
•NMR facilities
•X-ray powder diffraction
•Mass spectrometry
•Scanning electron microscope
In addition to Zink lab space in the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) used as collaborative space with other groups, CNSI offers characterization facilities. As a member of the Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology (CEIN), the Zink lab has access to state-of-the-art instruments for imaging and characterizing materials in the CNSI Core Facilities.
Most notably, these facilities include access to a transmission electron microscope and a high throughput dynamic light scattering instrument.
Copyright (c) 2015
Zink Research Group